Sunday, September 21, 2008


2009 Gallery 788, Baltimore-Group Exhibition.
2009 Washington,D.C.Artomatic 2009
.2008 Fairfax, VA . "Culture invasion" (Group Exhibition)
.2008 Washington, D.C. Artomatic 2008
.2008 Alexandria, VA. Art in the City Hall (Juried Exhibition)
.2007 Silver Spring, MD. Kela cafe. (Group Exhibition).2007 Augusta, Georgia. A Sence of Place 2007
(National Juried Fine Art Competition)
.2007 Brooklyn, NY. AG Gallery. (Group Exhibition).2007 Alexandria , VA Bi Annual Art in the City Hall (Juried Exhibition)
.2006 Brooklyn, NY. AG Gallery. (Group Exhibition).2006 Washington, D.C. Eastern market.
.2005 Arlington, VA Art on the Avenue..2004 Arlington, VA. Del Ray Artisans Frame Exhibition
.2004 Arlington, VA. Art on the Avenue.
.2004 Washington, D.C. William Parker Gallery.
.2004 Washington, D.C. Peppers Restaurant.
.2002 Buenos Aires, Argentina. La casa de la Pampa.
.2002 Alexandria. VA. Barnes and Noble Cafe.
.2001 Washington D.C. Relish Restaurant
.1999 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Salon Anual de Artes Plasticas Felix Amador.
.1999 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Biblioteca Popular de Olivos.
.1998 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Municipalidad de Almirante Brown.
.1998 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Buenos Aires no duerme.
.1995 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sociedad Argentina de Artistas Plasticos.
.1995 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Centro Universal de las Artes.
.1994 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Centro de arte Trilogia..1993 Buenos Aires, Argentina. National Auditorium Palais de Glace.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Maria Santiago

(703)655-9308 (Cell)


1975-1981 Colegio Zapiola. Buenos Aires, Argentina.1982-1986 Colegio Juan Martin Pueyrredon. Buenos Aires, Argentina.1988-1993 National School of Arts "Prilidiano Pueyrredon".
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

"National Art Professor"

1997-2000 Institute University of Art ''Ernesto de la Carcova''
Buenos Aires, Argentina
post graduate ''Superior Art Professor"
2004-2009 English as a secong language. Bryant School. Alexandria. VA.

Bilingual: Spanish / English

About Me

I am an abstract-geometric painter. I work with contrasts of color shapes, and visual tension, emphazising always on the color and tonality.
My artwork is based on geometric shapes as square, circle, triangle, rectangular, half-circle, straight lines and curves.I use different color palettes, some palettes are brighter, and others are sober. On my oil on canvas the image is more quiet, clean and reflective. On my collages I use more information, that let me play with small geometric shapes.
When I cut the collage papers, I search through the shapes and colors the organization of  the space with harmony, creating my own visual language.
That includes different signs and
symbols, a little mystic and spiritual, that reflects my personal feelings.

Maria Celia Santiago.